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¿Cómo puede la realidad virtual transformar el aprendizaje?

How can virtual reality transform learning?

The impact of virtual reality on education Virtual reality (RV) has ceased to be a technology limited to entertainment and video games to become a powerful tool with applications in various areas, ...

FAQ´s¿Qué beneficios trae la inteligencia artificial a la educación?

What benefits brings artificial intelligence to education?

The benefits of artificial intelligence in education Artificial intelligence (AI) has ceased to be a technology of the future to become a daily tool that impacts various areas of our life, includi...

ArtículosEl futuro de la educación: cinco enfoques imprescindibles para primaria y secundaria

The future of education: five essential approaches for primary and secondary

The five themes that will mark the future of education From Fundación Aula_Smart we firmly believe that education is the main engine of social change. In an increasingly interconnected and complex ...

Nota de PrensaRosa del Mar Martínez Pérez: Un legado de compromiso en la abogacía y la educación desde la presidencia de la Fundación AULA_SMART

Rosa del Mar Martínez Pérez: A legacy of commitment in law and education from the presidency of the Aula_Smart Foundation

Rosa del Mar Martínez Pérez, president of the Aula_Smart Foundation, inspiring everyone The Foundation Classroom_smart It is proud to celebrate the trajectory of its president, Rosa del Mar Martíne...

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Artículos¿La Tecnología Reemplazará a los Docentes? Un Análisis Desde Fundación AULA_SMART

Will technology replace teachers? An analysis from Aula_Smart Foundation

The technological revolution in classrooms: threat or complement to teachers? Who will lead the education of the future? From the Aula_Smart Foundation, our commitment is to integrate technology in...

ArtículosTener Dispositivos en las Aulas: ¿Es Realmente Sinónimo de Enseñanza Innovadora?

Have devices in classrooms: Is it really synonymous with innovative education?

Classroom devices: more than technology, a transformation into teaching INTRODUCTION TO THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION The incorporation of technological devices in the classroom has been an im...