The Smart® Classroom Foundation He supports teachers on their way to the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the classroom. To do this, we offer two types of financial support: Aid for ICT equipment and scholarships for teacher training.
+ 16,000 teachers
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You help ICT equipment
Through the project Learn_TIC® aids, which aims to help teachers acquire the necessary ICT equipment for effective teaching, we offer non -monetary aid in the form of ICT equipment, such as laptops, iPads, tablets, chromebooks, among others.
The project Learn_TIC® aids It includes a set of activities that are interrelated and coordinated in order to help the education sector implement new technologies in the teaching-learning process. These activities are constituted by the delivery of permanent teacher training actions and the granting of non -monetary aid.
Ask us for the catalog of permanent training courses of teachers that is part of the project Learn_TIC® aids And choose the team that you want to receive for your participation in the project.
These aids are intended to facilitate the integration of technology in the classroom and improve the quality of teaching and learning.

Scholarships for Teacher Training
The Smart® Classroom Foundation Understand the importance of continuous teachers training in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Therefore, we offer scholarships to teachers to support their professional development and improve their digital competence.
Scholarships are available to all teachers who are interested in improving their digital skills and skills. If you are a teacher interested in requesting a scholarship, please contact us for more information about the requirements and the application process.

Legal Framework
The Aula_SMart® Foundation, in its commitment to the development and implementation of new technologies in the education sector, it offers aid to centers and teachers who are not subject to the donation tax. This is due to the application of Royal Decree 1337/2005, of November 11, which approves the State Competition Foundations Regulation.
According to article 23 of these regulations, it is understood as its own activity that carried out by the Foundation for the fulfillment of its purposes, without profit, regardless of whether the benefit or services is granted for free or by means of consideration.
The purposes of the Aula_SMart® Foundation, according to its statutes, include a wide range of activities aimed at promoting innovation and cooperation in the education sector. These activities include research, technological development and innovation activities (R&D), the promotion of participation in national and international programs, collaboration with other organizations, the realization of training activities, among others.
In addition, according to Royal Decree 1491/2011, of October 24, monetary and non -monetary aid granted to natural persons or families, as well as entities, and made in compliance with the entity's own purposes, are collected in the epigraphs 650 and 651 respectively.
Therefore, the Aula_Smart® Foundation offers aid to centers and teachers for the acquisition of ICT equipment and training, and these grants are not subject to the donation tax due to applicable regulations.