Learn_TIC program

He Learn_TIC © program organized by the Aula_SMart® Foundation It establishes the set of activities that take place from 2008 to the present, throughout the national territory, in order to facilitate the necessary tools for the integration of ICT into the work environment of teachers.

Following the proposals and recommendations of the European Commission that proposes special attention to the training of educational personnel, basic competences, permanent learning, ICT, active citizenship and information, the Aula_SMart® Foundation through Learn_TIC © program It launches a set of measures that allow teachers to incorporate ICT into their teaching work.

All projects that are developed under the Learn_TIC © program They have a common axis: permanent teacher training in information and communication technologies applied to the different curricular areas.



For any advanced society it is very important to know how to develop and consolidate your Educational System, which implies its update and tuning. With the importance that the Information and Communication Technology In educational use we are attending one of the most notable changes in our classrooms. The digital world is imposed as an educational medium: digital classrooms, digital slates, digital notebooks.

But this change is not made by itself, there are some principles in which, we believe, this transformation must be based:

- Technology alone does not improve learning.

- The tools are not "neutral": use Technological resources with the same methodology that without them does not produce improvements.

- The innovation It is the "necessary step."

These principles lead us to propose positive models for the introduction of ICT in centers to understand the Pedagogical change with a technology that can provide us with new possibilities of action in the classroom.

Faced with fears for a work overload and unnecessary complication, we propose a system that facilitates learning, it is effective for teachers, useful for families and that promotes collaboration between students.

As a summary, we seek that technology in the classroom does not believe more problems than it solves, be simple, transportable and go unnoticed from the point of view of the student's user, father or teacher.


The program Learn_tic © It arises from the need to combine the interest that exists in educational improvement, with technological integration, from different frameworks, specifically our objectives are:

Promote ICT

Promote the use of ICT in the work environment of teachers through the Teacher training.

Facilitate tools

Facilitate ICT tools applied to the exercise of teaching.

Training plan

Develop a Training plan adequate for learning on the use of ICT applied to teaching.


We seek an integrated methodological approach that promotes the use of various traditional methodological resources and New methods for the integration of ICT in the classroom based on the needs, different tasks and the diversity of training and experience of teachers.

Constructive methodology so that the work is eminently practical, useful and enriching for each member, according to their needs and expectations in addition to meeting the objectives proposed in each of the projects that make up Learn_TIC © program.

Participatory Methodology. We hope to be able to collaborate, discuss and put in common all kinds of experiences, suggestions and ideas that serve all members to carry out the proposed objectives. An exchange of knowledge related to computer science, software and new technologies in general is facilitated.

On the other hand, manipulation, experimentation and research with new technologies It is a constant in the development of the program. The materials and resources are not only in our project one more principle, but in its use and operation it is part of the contents of the program and the base on which the work of the group of students and teachers will support.

The training modalities that are carried out through the Learn_TIC © program are: