Our history

Logotipo Fundación AULA SMART


Aula_smart Foundation is born

The Aula_Smart Foundation  It is registered in the Foundations Registry of the Ministry of Education and Science in Ministerial Order of 12/13/2004.


"Live classroom" in Interdidac

Official presentation of the Aula_SMart Foundation at the International Educational Material Fair (Interdidac - Madrid. March 2005). Since one of the aims of the Foundation is to favor relations between the different agents of the education-technology-business system, this event was chosen for being a meeting place between the three sectors involved: the technological, educational and business. The Foundation organized a live classroom to show how today's classroom should be, where new technologies are integrated. To do this, he had the help and collaboration of the Villalkor Colegio de Madrid, who did not hesitate to move to his students and teachers to the stand of the Foundation.

They attended the event, representatives of the world of technology, of the company, managers and professors of all levels of education and media (the world, ABC, expansion, reason, telemadrid, etc.)


Days in Palma de Mallorca

The Foundation carried out awareness campaigns about the need to introduce new technologies in education. During the month of September 2005, a days were held in Palma de Mallorca, which was attended by 2,500 parents of students and teachers, and in which the different technologies that are being applied in the classroom and their impact on the student were reported .


Agreement with the Pontifical University Comillas

Within the framework of collaboration and cooperation with other national and international organizations for the achievement of common objectives, a collaboration agreement with the Pontifical University Comillas of Madrid, for the development of activities and studies on studies on activities and studies on the development of activities and studies on the development of activities and Problems and issues of common interest and educational cooperation programs that, through pre and postgraduate courses and other activities that are deemed appropriate, facilitate the training of future professionals or the recycling of those who are in exercise.


Mobile music classroom with the Mimma

Through Mobile classroom, he Interactive Music Museum of Malaga, in collaboration with the Provincial Council of Malaga and the Aula_SMart® Foundation, They taught a sound workshop in educational centers of towns and localities from the province of Malaga.

The Pedagogical Cabinet Objectives They were, awakening the curiosity of the student stimulating his imagination through interactive resources, providing him with an opportunity to discover the world of music and deepen knowledge regarding the construction of instruments and sound production; And, on the other, that music teachers of the centers to which they visited the technological resources and how to use them in their classes.


Publication of the magazine "Interactive Classroom"

MagazineInteractive Classroom, to inform, form and entertain, focusing on the first two: inform the educational community about the technological advances that they can incorporate into their classrooms and form them on their use. Distributed to 27,000 educational centers, more than 11,200 teachers, public institutions and unions and associations of the education sector.


Creation of the "Experiences" platform

Born "Experiences", a place created for educational centers to count first -hand how they work in the classroom, with the aim of disseminating and promoting knowledge of information and communication technologies in education.

The Aula_Smart Foundation He carries out a collaboration program with the most important schools, universities and educational centers throughout Spain. Fruit of this collaboration are the following educational articles and experiences shown below:

  • Towards a new school concept
  • Interactive classrooms: the education of the present and the future
  • Parents and teachers, a decisive alliance
  • The educational digital video. Knowledge, technology and united fun.
  • ICT eliminate borders


Project E_Proxima

Project for educational centers throughout Spain to work together and simultaneously through aFree softwareof audio, video and data conference which greatly enriches the usual teaching process.


Educational Innovation Experiences Agreement

With the aim of raising the quality of teaching, the agreement is signed by the Ministry of Education and Scienceand the Aula_Smart Foundation. Both institutions collaborate to promote the increase in the offer of teacher training and the realization of Educational Innovation Experiences. In this way, the work of the permanent training center of the Aula_Smart Foundationand its training activities.


Subscription to the European Road Safety Charter

The Aula_Smart Foundation Subscribe the European Road Safety Charter, an established commitment to the European Commission through which we promised to collaborate to reduce traffic accidents through the incorporation of information and communication technologies in the teaching of road education.


International Cooperation: Latin America

In the field of international cooperation, we have strengthened ties with Latin America, through the agreement that we sign with the Basic School Republic of Paraguay, of Recoleta (Chile) to contribute to achieve the technological development and innovation of the education sector in Recoleta.


Donation of 120 "danger" games to centers from all over Spain

Collaboration Agreement with the Construction Labor Foundation from Extremadura, thanks to the one we have been able to donate 120 "danger" games to educational centers throughout Spain.


Learn_TIC program

He Learn_TIC program organized by the Aula_Smart Foundation It establishes the set of activities that took place from May 2008 to May 2010, and that given its reception has been extended until today throughout the national territory, in order to facilitate the necessary tools for the integration of ICTs in the work environment of teachers. All projects that are developed under the APrent_TIC program have a common axis: permanent teacher training in information and communication technologies applied to different curricular areas.

The APrent_TIC program organized and promoted by the Aula_Smart Foundation includes the set of projects that began in May 2008 in order to respond to the new demands of teachers derived from the changes produced in education and in society.

These changes influence the modalities and structure of training activities. The dissemination of information and communication technologies and their impact on the educational field offers new ways of training. In addition, permanent training constitutes an right and obligation of all teachers. For all these reasons, projects are developed through the Learn_TIC program that include permanent teacher training and the granting of aid for the acquisition of ICT equipment.


Technological equipment loan program

Technological equipment loan program, through which the Aula_Smart Foundation He lent interactive digital blackboards to the educational centers that requested them. The loan period was from a school year.


Learn_TIC 2011 program

He Learn_TIC program It is extended with new training modules for teachers. Three more are incorporated:

Multicultural education: lines of intervention in the classroom based on ICT

Mediation: TIC techniques and resources as teacher instruments.

Moodle: Content manager in an educational center.


Three new training calls for teachers

After the success of the program, the Aula_Smart Foundation reopens again training and equipment, with three new training calls for teachers, in which it has 16 innovative modules, to choose 3 for each student, consisting of the online course approved by The MEC, "new technologies applied to education."

This call is very important because it has the implementation of the formation of bilingual education, the Aula_Smart Foundation begins to bet on multilenguage in the classroom.


New training courses

Seeing the results and demand that education professionals require, as well as the new routines that society begins to implement in their daily lives. The Aula_Smart Foundation decides to implement three new training courses:

  • Social networks: Virtual Collaborative Learning Communities
  • Mediation: ICT techniques and resources as teacher instruments
  • Bilingual education: Practical resources for the creation of interactive activities


More than 500 educational centers and 1000 teachers are added

This year the training offer undergoes a complete renewal and is updated based on the needs of education and the evolution of today's society. The training becomes more specialized and focused on the integration of new technologies in the classroom, and the training modules become complete training courses


The learner_TIC program has a great reception among educational centers

The year 2014 is divided into three calls belonging to the months of March, June and October. The learner_TIC program has a great reception between educational centers and the high level of demand for training courses among teachers, makes the following formations expand as novelty:

  • The iPad as a teaching tool: Classroom learning.
  • High intellectual abilities: Intervention techniques and ICT strategies for the classroom.
  • Educational Coaching: Development of skills, talent and emotional competencies in students.


More than 1,000 educational centers already trust us

The more than 1,000 educational centers that already trust us for the training of their teachers. One more year they re -support Aula_Smart Foundation so that their teachers have the necessary strategies and resources to build innovative educational communities, based on the use of ICT tools in the classroom.

In addition, specific training for concrete environments, such as high capacities, multiple intelligences or attention to diversity. It allows teachers to receive adequate and specific training for their students. Being able to guarantee the center for quality care and education.


Training is extended

This year, the Aula_Smart Foundation Catalog makes a complete renewal, and although it maintains the most demanded courses, it also expands the following training:

  • Cooperative work: An educational key.
  • Teaching skills: The teacher's profile in the 21st century.
  • Working for projects: Primary and Secondary Education.
  • English: Level B1
  • English: Level B2

In addition, the last call of the year brings an international novelty. The first training course for bonus teachers, completely in English and focused on English -speaking teachers: Working on Projects in Primary and Secondary.

In total, Aula_Smart Foundation allocates an economic amount of € 300,000 for the development and implementation of new technologies in the education sector. And we hope to continue doing it, since our goal is to improve education in Spain.


Future action lines

According to the EDU Order 2886/2011 of October 20, 2011 (BOE of October 28, 2011), and in order to facilitate the elaboration of the training plans for the next course, we have developed the following lines of action For courses that will appear in the 2017 calls:

to. Multiple literacy.
b. Teaching digital competence.
d. Foreign languages.
and. Attention to diversity.
F. Scientific culture
g. Management skills: leadership -oriented leadership of all students.
h. Healthy lifestyles.


University of Malaga and Fundación Aula_Smart 

Collaboration Agreement between the Sicuma Research Group of the University of Malaga and the Aula_SMart Foundation, through the Department of Computer Languages ​​and Sciences of the Higher Computing Technical School of the University of Malaga for the performance of a work consisting of the work consisting of Evolution of the Aula_Smart technology platform.


More than 1,240 ICT teams are donated to teachers and educational centers

Through the AUGE_TIC projects, 1240 teams are donated between laptops, iPad and tablets, teachers and non -university regulated education centers from all over Spain, for a value of more than € 496,000.


Permanent teacher training

Permanent teacher training courses are taught through our technological platform. Among the most chosen courses were:

  • The iPad as a teaching-learning tool in the classroom.
  • Gamification: the game as an educational resource.
  • Disruptive behaviors in the classroom.
  • Harassment: Stop bullying.
  • Google in educational contexts.


University of Malaga and Fundación Aula_Smart

Collaboration agreement between the Sicuma Research Group of the University of Malaga and the Aula_SMart Foundation, through the Department of Computing Languages ​​and Sciences of the Higher Computer Technical School of the University of Malaga for the development of the Integral Technological Platform of e-learning of the Foundation.

Through this agreement, the global refactorization of the technological platform is carried out, applying new technologies to development that allow more easily to renew any part of the platform in the future, as well as facilitate its scalability and extensibility. Likewise, the level of personal data is increased by riding the websites on HTTPS safe protocol.


More than 1,100 ICT equipment is donated

Through the AUGE_TIC projects, 1183 teams are donated between laptops, iPad and tablets, teachers and non -university regulated education centers from all over Spain, for a value of more than € 473,000.


Permanent teacher training

Permanent teacher training courses are taught through our technological platform. Among the most chosen courses were:

  • Neuroscience applied to education.
  • The iPad as a teaching-learning tool in the classroom.
  • Disruptive behaviors in the classroom.
  • Gamification: the game as an educational resource.
  • The directive function in educational centers.


Technology at the service of pedagogy

The WHO declares the global pandemic coronavirus outbreak. As a consequence, we had to move the entire team to our homes and do teleworking. The same happened in all educational centers. A year marked by the pandemic, but saved thanks to the effort and work of the entire educational community. Teachers had to make an envelope to teach their online classes. Not only did they get it, but they also formed at the same time for this, through the course that we taught "g suite: Google for Education." Technology as a tool at the service of pedagogy. This was the objective that we set to respond to the problem so serious that it was raised. Through G Suite collaboration, communication was facilitated and digital competence in classrooms was promoted.

We train more than 1,400 teachers through our online platform. 


More than € 500,000 in aid for teachers and centers

Through the APrenda_TIC projects, 1428 teams were donated between laptops, iPad and tablets, teachers and non -university regulated education centers from all over Spain, for a value of more than € 570,000.


More than 1,000 laptops and iPad are donated to teachers and centers

Through the AUGE_TIC AUGES project, 1,111 teams were donated between laptops, iPad and tablets, teachers and non -university regulated education centers from all over Spain, for a value of more than € 440,000.


Online training for teachers

Permanent teacher training courses are taught through our technological platform. Among the most chosen courses were:

  • G Suite: Google for Education.
  • Disruptive behaviors in the classroom.
  • Neuroscience applied to education.
  • Exhaust games: Educational Breakout.
  • Gamification: the game as an educational resource.


Chair Foundation_Smart of Educational Technology in the UMA

The Chair Foundation_Smart of Educational Technology at the University of Malaga is created, in order to create and promote a space for debate, training, analysis, study, research, teaching and dissemination of educational innovation. Chairs and Classrooms by patronage - Chair Fundación Aula_Smart of Educational Technology - University of Malaga (UMA.es)

The collaboration between the Aula_SMart Foundation and the University of Malaga through the Innoeduca Research Group of the Department of Didactics and School Organization, is the best guarantee to contribute to the development of the Information and Knowledge Society through actions they have as as Central axis Research, training, information and dissemination of educational innovation processes and the impact of ICT in education.  


Google Workspace for Education

We develop through the chair Aula_Smart Foundation  of Educational Technology of the University of Malaga, the course "Google Workspace for Education: Intermediate-Avanzado Level".

Through this course we have tried to improve the educational experience with easy -to -use learning tools in order to:

  • Achieve efficient collaboration among members of the educational community. 
  • Increase productivity through tools that help simplify your tasks and save time.
  • Improve communication, connecting the entire institution through email, chat and video calls.
  • Organize tasks.
  • Protect educational centers against digital threats with multicapa security.


Microsoft 365 and Teams integration into the classroom

Through the Fundación_Smart Foundation Chair of Educational Technology of the University of Malaga, we carried out the “Microsoft 365 and Teams Integration course in the classroom”.

The general objective of the course is to teach to use Microsoft applications to increase productivity in the classroom and guarantee proper use in the educational context. In particular, create collaborative classrooms, connect in learning communities and communicate with all teachers, staff and students through OneDrive and Teams tools, among others.


More than € 400,000 are donated to teachers and centers

Through the AUGE_TIC AUGES project, about 1,000 teams between laptops, iPad and tablets, teachers and non -university regulated teaching centers from all over Spain were donated, for a value of more than more than 420,000 €



In a significant step towards the continuous improvement of teacher training, Classroom Smart signs an educational cooperation agreement with the prestigious University of Vitoria-Gasteiz Euneiz. This agreement opens the doors to the delivery of university courses of specialization in various areas, specifically designed for education professionals.