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Rosa del Mar Martínez Pérez: Un legado de compromiso en la abogacía y la educación desde la presidencia de la Fundación AULA_SMART
Nota de Prensa

Rosa del Mar Martínez Pérez: A legacy of commitment in law and education from the presidency of the Aula_Smart Foundation

Rosa del Mar Martínez Pérez, president of the Aula_Smart Foundation, inspiring everyone The Foundation Classroom_smart It is proud to celebrate the trajectory of its president, Rosa del Mar Martíne...

Nota de PrensaFundación AULA_SMART lanza su sitio web traducido a cinco idiomas para apoyar a los educadores de toda España

Fundación Aula_Smart launches its website translated into five languages ​​to support educators throughout Spain

Fundación Aula_Smart launches its website translated into four of the official languages ​​of Spain and English to support educators throughout Spain The Aula_Smart Foundation believes that educati...

Nota de PrensaFundación AULA_SMART celebra el éxito de formar a Más de 16,000 docentes en España

Aula_Smart Foundation celebrates the success of training more than 16,000 teachers in Spain

AULA_ FoundationSmart, leader in promoting education and professional development in Spain, it is proud to announce that it has reached an important milestone by successfully trained more than 16,0...

Nota de PrensaCátedra Fundación AULA_SMART de Tecnología Educativa de la UMA

Chair Foundation_Smart of Educational Technology of the UMA

Collaboration Agreement between the University of Malaga and Aula_Smart Editorial for the creation of the Foundation Chair Aula_Smart of educational technology, in order to create and promote a spa...