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Educación Híbrida 2.0: Modelos Innovadores que Combinan Presencialidad y Tecnología

Hybrid Education 2.0: Innovative models that combine face -to -face and technology

In recent years, education has experienced a significant transformation thanks to the integration of technology into teaching and learning processes. The Covid-19 pandemic accelerated this transiti...

FAQ´s¿Qué diferencia hay entre educación híbrida y aprendizaje combinado?

What is the difference between hybrid education and combined learning?

In the educational field, terms such as hybrid education and Combined learning They are usually used interchangeably, but they have nuances that differentiate them in their de...

FAQ´s¿Cuáles son los indicadores clave de éxito en un modelo híbrido?

What are the key success indicators in a hybrid model?

The hybrid model, which combines face -to -face and virtual teaching, is transforming education by offering flexibility and access to diverse resources. However, its effective implementation requir...

Artículos¿Cuáles son las mejores plataformas tecnológicas para la educación híbrida?

What are the best technological platforms for hybrid education?

Hybrid education, which combines face -to -line and online learning, has gained ground in recent years as a flexible model that adapts to various educational needs. This approach requires technolog...

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FAQ´s¿Cómo pueden las escuelas reducir la brecha digital en entornos híbridos?

How can schools reduce digital gap in hybrid environments?

The transition to hybrid educational models has evidenced an urgent problem: the digital gap. This inequality in access to technologies and connectivity significantly affects the quality of learnin...

FAQ´s¿Qué herramientas ayudan a implementar la gamificación en la educación híbrida?

What tools help implement gamification in hybrid education?

Gamification in education refers to the use of game mechanics in educational contexts with the aim of motivating and compromising students in their learning. In the hybrid environment, which combin...