University Specialization Course in:
Prevention and approach to bullying: Stop bullying
Protect your students with the course "Prevention and approach to bullying: Stop Bullying"! Learn effective strategies to identify and combat bullying. Online course, 100% bonus and university degree. Sign up now and receive a free ICT team!
Free registration for the teacher and 100% bonus through Fundae for private and concerted centers, as long as you are in the General Social Security regime, RD 694/2017, of July 3. (Sign up through your center)
Course included in the AUGE_TIC AUGES PROGRAM. Every 100 hours of training, the Aula_Smart Foundation donates a laptop, iPad, Chromebook or other ICT equipment. (Valid for all teachers of private, concerted and public centers)
University degree obtained
Para la obtención del Título Universitario expedido por la Universidad de Vitoria-Gasteiz (EUNEIZ), es necesario realizar el abono correspondiente a los derechos de expedición una vez completado el curso.
A continuación, se detallan las tarifas según la duración del programa formativo:
Derechos de expedición:
- Cursos de 50 horas: 54,78 €
- Cursos de 100 horas: 83,38 €
- Cursos de 110 horas: 94,38 €
- Cursos de 120 horas: 94,38 €
Le agradecemos su compromiso con la formación continua y quedamos a su disposición para resolver cualquier consulta sobre el proceso de expedición.
Date start courses
All communities
- January 22, 2025 to March 11, 2025
- February 12, 2025 to April 1, 2025
- March 5, 2025 to April 23, 2025
- April 2, 2025 to May 15, 2025
- May 7, 2025 to June 23, 2025
- June 4, 2025 to July 21, 2025
- July 2, 2025 to August 7, 2025
- January 22, 2025 to April 2, 2025
- February 12, 2025 to April 28, 2025
- March 5, 2025 to May 16, 2025
- April 2, 2025 to June 6, 2025
- May 7, 2025 to July 15, 2025
Degree: University of Vitoria-Gasteiz Euneiz
Duration: 100 hours
Credits: 4 ECTS
Modality: Online
Place: Cabeula_interactive Campus
Cost: No cost to the center or the teacher. RD 694/2017, of July 3
Fundae: 100% bonus
FA_S donation: laptop, iPad, Chromebook or ICT equipment every 100 hours of training
Valid to score in the Baremo of Teaching Oppositions according to the R.D. 276/2007 of February 23 and for the scale corresponding to the state -level transfers contest, according to Royal Decree 1364/2010 of October 29.
(*) No cost to the center or the teacher according to RD 694/2017, of July 3.
(**) For students who are not going to take the course through their center

Prevention and approach to bullying: Stop bullying
The general objective of the “University Course of Specialization in Prevention and Approach to bullying: Stop Bullying” is to provide participants with a deep knowledge and a clear understanding of the concept of bully harassment.
The specific objectives of the course are:
• Know the concept of bullying: participants will learn to define and understand the concept of bullying.
• Identify influential profiles in bullying: participants will learn to identify the hillside profiles, victim and spectators.
• Promote equality and equity in students: participants will learn strategies to promote equality and equity among students.
• Identify the phases of bullying: participants will learn to recognize the different phases of bullying.
• Recognize the causes that cause harassment: participants will learn to identify the causes that can lead to bullying.
• Knowing the regulations regarding bullying: participants will familiarize themselves with laws and regulations related to bullying.
• Act to the suspicion of bullying: participants will learn how to act when they suspect that bullying is taking place.
• Know the dangers of the Internet and its impact: Participants will learn about the risks associated with the use of the Internet and how they can contribute to bullying.
• Learn to favor communication with your students from cooperative work: participants will learn techniques to improve communication with their students through teamwork.
• Know the Kiva Method: Participants will learn about the Kiva method, an bullying prevention program.
• Apply action and intervention programs in the educational center: Participants will learn to implement action and intervention programs in their school to prevent and address bullying.
• Use ICT tools to prevent and intervene in situations of harassment: Participants will learn to use information and communication technologies (ICT) to prevent and intervene in harassment situations.
In summary, this course prepares participants to understand, prevent and intervene in situations of bullying effectively and safely.

Prevention and approach to bullying: Stop bullying
What prepares you
The "University Course of Specialization in Prevention and Approach to bullying: Stop Bullying" can open several professional exits, mainly in the field of education:
Innovative Teacher: This course prepares you to be a teacher who uses innovative methods in the classroom. You can apply prevention and approach strategies of bullying to improve teaching and learning.
School advisor: With the knowledge acquired in this course, you could work as a school advisor, helping students overcome bullying problems.
Harassment prevention consultant: You could work as a consultant, helping schools and other teachers to implement prevention and approach strategies for school bullying.
Teacher Trainer: You could give training other teachers about how to prevent and address bullying.
These are just some of the possibilities. The prevention and approach of bullying are rapid growth areas in education, so this course could open many doors in the future. Remember that the key is how you apply the knowledge acquired in your professional context.

Prevention and approach to bullying: Stop bullying
Who is it addressed
The "University Course of Specialization in Prevention and Approach to bullying: Stop Bullying" is mainly aimed at:
Teachers: This course is ideal for teachers who seek to innovate in their teaching methods and are interested in the prevention and approach of bullying.
Education professionals: professionals who work in the field of education and wish to incorporate new strategies to prevent and address bullying can also benefit from this course.
Pedagogy or education students: students who are studying to become teachers and wish to expand their skills and knowledge in innovative teaching methods.
School counselors: school counselors seeking to acquire more tools to help students overcome school bullying problems.
In summary, this course is aimed at anyone who is interested in the prevention and approach of bullying and wants to learn to implement them in an educational environment. However, it is especially relevant to teachers and other education professionals.

Prevention and approach to bullying: Stop bullying
The course methodology is based on 100%online learning, through the Aula_Smart virtual campus, an innovative and easy -to -use platform, which will allow you to access all the contents and resources of the course from anywhere and device. The course has a highly specialized teaching team, formed by education professionals with extensive experience and training in the analysis of teaching skills. They will accompany you and guide you throughout the learning process, through personalized tutorials, chat, email and even videoconference. The teaching method is totally multidisciplinary, since it combines different pedagogical approaches and strategies, such as:
- Theoretical contents, where the fundamental concepts and principles of the analysis of the teaching skills will be presented, as well as the normative and reference frameworks that regulate them.
- Practical contents, where theoretical knowledge will be applied to real or simulated cases of educational practice, using tools and methodologies to evaluate and develop teaching skills.
- Self -assessment activities, where you will reflect on the teaching performance itself and on the areas of strength and improvement, as well as on the strategies to enhance them.
- Collaborative learning activities, where the exchange of experiences, opinions and proposals through forums will be promoted.
In this way, the course methodology offers you dynamic, participatory and adapted training to your needs and interests, which prepares you to be a competent and effective teacher, capable of adapting to the demands and challenges of current education.

Prevention and approach to bullying: Stop bullying
Official character
Valid to score in the Baremo of Teaching Oppositions according to the R.D. 276/2007 of February 23 and for the scale corresponding to the state -level transfers contest, according to Royal Decree 1364/2010 of October 29.
This training is not included in the scope of official regulated training (Infant Education, Primary Education, Secondary Education, Official Professional Training FP, Baccalaureate, University Degree, Official University Master and PhD). It is therefore a complementary and/or specialization training, aimed at acquiring certain skills, skills or aptitudes of a professional nature, being able to be barely as merit in work bags and/or opposition competitions, always within the training section Complementary and/or continuous training being always essential to review the specific requirements of the public labor stock market that we want to present ourselves.
Prevention and approach to bullying: Stop bullying
Download the agenda in .pdf format
Topic 1
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Aggression. Violence. Aggressiveness
1.3 Harassment. Theoretical perspectives that explain bullying
1.3.1 bullying
1.3.2 Theoretical perspectives that explain bullying
1.4 Cyberbullying
1.5 Harassment profiles: Host, victim and spectators
1.5.1 stalker
1.5.2 victim
1.5.3 spectators
1.6 Phases of bullying cases
1.7 Causes of bullying. Risk and vulnerability factors that affect bullying
1.7.1 The school
1.7.2 The family
1.7.3 The Mass Media
1.7.4 Society
1.8 Summary
Topic 2
2.1 Introduction
2.2 How to detect bullying?
2.3 How to act in suspicion of bullying? Action protocol in case of equal abuse
2.3.1 How does teachers act?
2.3.2 How do families act?
2.3.3 How should students act?
2.3.4 Action protocol in the case of equal abuse
2.4 Regulatory framework of bullying and cyberbullying. Action protocol according to regulations
2.5 Procedures to act in the face of bullying situation
2.6 Summary
Topic 3
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Prevention from the school environment
3.2.1 The role of teachers
3.2.2 The role of students
3.2.3 Prosocial behavior and emotional intelligence
3.2.4 Cooperative work
3.3 Prevention from the family field
3.3.1 Family paper at home
3.3.2 Family role in the school
3.4 Prevent harassment through games and stories
3.4.1 General aspects
3.4.2 Games
3.4.3 stories
3.5 Cybercase prevention
3.5.1. Cybercase: cyberbullying and grooming
3.5.2. Teacher Guide
3.5.3. Student guide
3.5.4. Family Guide
3.6 associations and agencies for the prevention of bullying
3.7 Summary
Topic 4
4.1 Introduction
4.2 What is Kiva and how it arose
4.3 principles and objectives of Kiva
4.4 Kiva operation
4.5 Kiva results
4.6 Kiva in other countries
4.6.1 Kiva in Spain
4.6.2 How to get Kiva
4.7 Summary
Topic 5
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Programming examples
5.2.1 Early detection and intervention program in bullying behaviors
5.2.2 CIP program for the improvement of school coexistence and bullying prevention in primary education students
5.2.3 Harassment Prevention Program
5.2.4 Prevention and action program for cases of bullying
5.3 Group dynamics
5.4 Summary
Topic 6
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Applications
6.2.1 Traffic light bullying
6.2.2 No to bullying (born)
6.2.3 bullying-
6.2.4 Bullying is bullying
6.2.5 A world without "bullying"
6.3 Educational portals
6.3.1 Web pages
6.3.2 Blogs
6.4 Multimedia content
6.4.1 short
6.4.2 songs
6.4.3 films
6.5 Online bibliography
6.6 Summary

Prevention and approach to bullying: Stop bullying
Homologable oppositions
Permanent training courses are valid to score in the scale of teaching opposition The calls for oppositions of the Spanish territory, according to the R.D. 276/2007 of February 23 (BOE 2/3/2007) of access to the public teaching function. These courses are also valid for the scale corresponding to the state -level transfers contest, according to Royal Decree 1364/2010 of October 29.
The duration of the courses in Catalonia should not exceed 10 hours per week and in Castilla y León 20 hours a week to be taken into account in their entirety according to the latest published bulletins (Dogc No. 6205 of 3/9/2012 and Bocyl nº 241 of 12/16/2014), so we have adapted the period of realization of them.
Prevention and approach to bullying: Stop bullying
Do you have any questions about this course?
You can send us your consultation by filling out this form or in the following ways:
- Through the phone (+34) 951 411 800
- Through email
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Aula_SMart® Foundation
From the Aula_Smart® Foundation we work to develop and incorporate
New technologies to the education sector.
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- Through the phone (+34) 951 411 800
- Through email
AULA_SMART ® Foundation
C/ Palma del Río, 19 - Melior Building, 29004, Málaga
Telephone: +34 951 411 800
E-mail: comunicacion@fundacionaulasmart.org
Website: www.fundacionaulasMart.org