MEFPD approval course
Disruptive behaviors in the classroom
Manage disruptive behaviors in the classroom effectively! This 110 -hour course will teach you psychopedagogical strategies to address and reduce problematic behaviors, improving the school environment. Learn advanced techniques and create a positive learning environment.
Free registration for the teacher and 100% bonus through Fundae for private and concerted centers, as long as you are in the General Social Security regime, RD 694/2017, of July 3. (Sign up through your center)
Course included in the AUGE_TIC AUGES PROGRAM. Every 100 hours of training, the Aula_Smart Foundation donates a laptop, iPad, Chromebook or other ICT equipment. (Valid for all teachers of private, concerted and public centers)
Date start courses
All communities
- January 22, 2025 to March 17, 2025
- February 12, 2025 to April 7, 2025
- March 5, 2025 to April 28, 2025
- April 2, 2025 to May 20, 2025
- May 7, 2025 to June 26, 2025
- June 4, 2025 to July 24, 2025
- July 2, 2025 to August 7, 2025
- January 22, 2025 to April 9, 2025
- February 12, 2025 to May 5, 2025
- March 5, 2025 to May 23, 2025
- April 2, 2025 to June 13, 2025
- May 7, 2025 to July 22, 2025
Degree: MEFPD
Duration: 110 hours
Modality: Online
Place: Cabeula_interactive Campus
Cost: No cost to the center or the teacher. RD 694/2017, of July 3
Fundae: 100% bonus
FA_S donation: laptop, iPad, Chromebook or ICT equipment every 100 hours of training
Valid to score in the Baremo of Teaching Oppositions according to the R.D. 276/2007 of February 23 and for the scale corresponding to the state -level transfers contest, according to Royal Decree 1364/2010 of October 29.
(*) No cost to the center or the teacher according to RD 694/2017, of July 3.
(**) For students who are not going to take the course through their center

Disruptive behaviors in the classroom
The general objective of this course is to provide participants with a deep understanding of disruptive behaviors in the classroom and how to handle them effectively. The specific objectives of the course are:
• Define and categorize disruptive behaviors: You will learn to define and categorize disruptive behaviors, which will allow you to identify and better understand these behaviors in the classroom.
• Know the different classifications of disruptive behavior: you will acquire a deep knowledge of the different classifications of disruptive behavior, which will help you understand the variety and complexity of these behaviors.
• Know the main models of acquisition and development of behavior: you will study the main models of acquisition and development of behavior, which will allow you to understand how disruptive behaviors develop and maintain.
• Deepen the ADHD to know its diagnosis, characteristics and intervention guidelines: you will deepen in attention deficit and hyperactivity deficit (ADHD), learning about its diagnosis, characteristics and intervention guidelines.
• Analyze the school context and its importance for intervention: you will analyze the school context and its importance for intervention in disruptive behaviors.
• Analyze the main intervention models: You will study the main intervention models in disruptive behaviors, which will allow you to select and apply the most effective intervention strategies.
• Use the coexistence plan as an intervention proposal: you will learn to use the coexistence plan as a proposal for intervention in disruptive behaviors.
• Manage and control the classroom through emotional intelligence and self -control, as well as the fixation of limits: you will develop skills to manage and control the classroom through emotional intelligence and self -control, as well as the fixation of limits.
• Start techniques and strategies to prevent and act on disruptive behavior: you will learn to implement techniques and strategies to prevent and act on disruptive behavior.
• Know ICT, web and portals of interest on this topic and the concepts derived from it: you will know ICT, web and portals of interest on the subject of disruptive behaviors and the concepts derived from it.
These objectives are designed to provide participants with a solid basis in the management of disruptive behaviors in the classroom and prepare them to implement effective intervention strategies.

Disruptive behaviors in the classroom
What prepares you
For a teacher, the course of disruptive behaviors in the classroom can provide the following professional development opportunities:
• Behavior Specialist: You could assume a leadership role in your school as a behavior specialist, helping other teachers to handle disruptive behaviors in the classroom.
• Behavior Support Coordinator: You could become a behavior support coordinator, working with students who present disruptive behaviors and providing teachers intervention strategies.
• Teacher trainer in behavior management: You could use your knowledge and skills to train other teachers in classroom management.
• School behavior consultant: You could work as a consultant, advising schools on how to effectively handle disruptive behaviors in the classroom.
These opportunities can not only enrich your career as a teacher, but they can also have a significant impact on your students' learning experience. By dominating disruptive behavior management skills, you can create a more positive and conducive classroom environment for learning.

Disruptive behaviors in the classroom
Who is it addressed
The course of disruptive behaviors in the classroom is aimed at:
• Teachers: This course is ideal for teachers of all educational levels who wish to understand and effectively manage disruptive behaviors in the classroom.
• Teaching or pedagogy students: students who are training to be future teachers and who wish to be up to date with the latest trends in behavior management in the classroom.
• Pedagogical coordinators: pedagogical coordinators who wish to implement or improve the implementation of disruptive behaviors strategies in their educational institution.
• Education professionals: Any professional who works in the field of education and is interested in the management of disruptive behaviors can find this course useful.
In summary, this course can be very useful for anyone involved in education that is interested in handling disruptive behaviors in the classroom.

Disruptive behaviors in the classroom
The course methodology is based on 100%online learning, through the Aula_Smart virtual campus, an innovative and easy -to -use platform, which will allow you to access all the contents and resources of the course from anywhere and device. The course has a highly specialized teaching team, formed by education professionals with extensive experience and training in the analysis of teaching skills. They will accompany you and guide you throughout the learning process, through personalized tutorials, chat, email and even videoconference. The teaching method is totally multidisciplinary, since it combines different pedagogical approaches and strategies, such as:
- Theoretical contents, where the fundamental concepts and principles of the analysis of the teaching skills will be presented, as well as the normative and reference frameworks that regulate them.
- Practical contents, where theoretical knowledge will be applied to real or simulated cases of educational practice, using tools and methodologies to evaluate and develop teaching skills.
- Self -assessment activities, where you will reflect on the teaching performance itself and on the areas of strength and improvement, as well as on the strategies to enhance them.
- Collaborative learning activities, where the exchange of experiences, opinions and proposals through forums will be promoted.
In this way, the course methodology offers you dynamic, participatory and adapted training to your needs and interests, which prepares you to be a competent and effective teacher, capable of adapting to the demands and challenges of current education.
Disruptive behaviors in the classroom
Download the agenda in .pdf format
Topic 1
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Definition and categorization
1.2.1 Behaviors and dimensions
1.3 Typology of disorders associated with behavior
1.3.1 Classification of Disorders Negativist-disail disorder (TND) Behavioral or dissocial disorder (TD) Subtypes of dissocial disorder Intermittent explosive disorder (TEI)
1.4 Models of acquisition and development of behavior
1.4.1 Pyramidal model of the development of Lahey and Loeber
1.4.2 Dodge Social Information Processing Model
1.4.3 Patterson model of coercive interaction
1.4.4 Lynam model based on the comorbid pattern of behavior and hyperactivity problems
1.4.5 Ecological Model of Frías-Armenta and other collaborators
1.4.6 Family role
1.5 Summary
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Topic 2
2.1 Introduction
2.2 What is ADHD?
2.3 Detection and diagnosis
2.3.1 Multidisciplinary treatment
2.4 Characteristics and needs associated with ADHD
2.4.1 Nuclear characteristics Inattention Hyperactivity Impulsivity
2.4.2 Other features Cognitive operation Socio -emotional operation
2.4.3 Specific characteristics of each educational stage Early Childhood Education Primary education Secondary education
2.5 Guidelines for the educational response
2.5.1 General orientations Organizational and Methodological aspects related to behavior Socio -emotional aspects
2.6 Differential guidelines for the school stage
2.6.1 Primary
2.6.2 Secondary
2.7 Intervention strategies in specific learning difficulties
2.8 Strategies and Guidelines for Exams and Evaluations
2.9 Summary
Topic 3
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The school context
3.2.1 School context and adolescent behavior
3.2.2 adolescents and peer group. Benefits and problems
3.2.3 Problematic, disruptive, aggressive adolescents
3.3 Intervention models
3.3.1 Punitive-Sounding Model
3.3.2 Relational model victim/aggressor
3.3.3 Punitive/Relational Integrated Model
3.4 The Coexistence Plan
3.5 Intervention Proposal
3.5.1 Situation analysis
3.5.2 Decision making and teamwork
3.5.3 General and specific improvements for the improvement of coexistence in the center
3.5.4 Interventions in the curriculum
3.5.5 Training for prevention and intervention
3.6 Summary
Topic 4
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Student attitude in the school context
4.3 Teacher attitude
4.4 Conflicts to Reeducar
4.5 Management and strategies to control emotions
4.5.1. Emotional intelligence and behavior
4.5.2 Emotional self -control Self -control guidelines for teachers
4.6 Limits in the classroom
4.6.1 Limit and maintenance setting Maintenance of limits
4.7 Class Tutorials
4.8 Summary
Topic 5
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Behavioral techniques to maintain and increase desirable behaviors
5.2.1 Present principle
5.2.2 Modeling
5.2.3 Chips economy
5.2.4 Behavioral contract
5.2.5 Negative reinforcement
5.3 Behavioral techniques to reduce non-disable behaviors
5.3.1 Time out of reinforcement
5.3.2 Extinction
5.3.3 Differential reinforcement
5.3.4 Stimulus control
5.3.5 Over -correction
5.3.6 sacciation
5.4 Cognitive techniques
5.4.1 Problem resolution
5.4.2 Self -instructions
5.4.3 Self -regulation
5.4.4 Thought detention
5.4.5 Cognitive restructuring
5.4.6 Self -control
5.5 Guide for the appearance of provocative and challenging behaviors of students in the classroom
5.5.1. What should we do
5.5.2. What should we avoid
5.6 Self -esteem, assertiveness, empathy and motivation
5.6.1 Self -esteem
5.6.2 assertiveness
5.6.3 Empathy
5.6.4 Motivation
5.7 Creation of routines and methodology to follow
5.7.1 Observation
5.8 Summary
Topic 6
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Network Security
6.3 Tales to improve behavior
6.4 Educational portals
6.5 educational applications
6.5.1 How am I today
6.5.2 Class Dojo
6.5.3 Thermotic
6.5.4 Gomins
6.5.5 Goodbye
6.6 films
6.7 Summary
Disruptive behaviors in the classroom
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You can send us your consultation by filling out this form or in the following ways:
- Through the phone (+34) 951 411 800
- Through email
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Aula_SMart® Foundation
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New technologies to the education sector.
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- Through the phone (+34) 951 411 800
- Through email
AULA_SMART ® Foundation
C/ Palma del Río, 19 - Melior Building, 29004, Málaga
Telephone: +34 951 411 800
E-mail: comunicacion@fundacionaulasmart.org
Website: www.fundacionaulasMart.org