Computer science and communications
18 products
Google Workspace for Education: intermediate-saved level
Sale price€0,00
WordPress How to make web pages for small and medium enterprises
Sale price€0,00
Computer security for SMEs
Sale price€0,00
Creation of blogs and social networks
Sale price€0,00
Excel 2016
Sale price€0,00
Google Analytic and Google Metatags
Sale price€0,00
Google Drive. Working in the cloud
Sale price€0,00
CDC - Digital competencies for citizenship
Sale price€0,00
Excel advanced 2013
Sale price€0,00
Advanced Excel 365
Sale price€0,00
Excel advanced 2016
Sale price€0,00
Excel 365
Sale price€0,00
Excel 2013
Sale price€0,00
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You can also send us your consultation in the following ways:
- Through the phone (+34) 951 411 800
- Through email
AULA_SMART ® Foundation
C/ Palma del Río, 19 - Melior Building, 29004, Málaga
Telephone: +34 951 411 800
E-mail: comunicacion@fundacionaulasmart.org
Website: www.fundacionaulasMart.org