The iPad as a teaching-learning tool in the classroom
Matrícula gratuita para el docente y bonificable al 100% a través de Fundae para centros privados y concertados, siempre y cuando estés en el Régimen General de la Seguridad Social, RD 694/2017, de 3 de julio. (Inscríbete a través de tu centro)
Curso incluido en el Programa Ayudas Aprende_TIC. Cada 100 horas de formación, la Fundación AULA_SMART te dona un ordenador portátil, iPad, Chromebook u otro equipamiento TIC. (Válido para todos los docentes de centros privados, concertados y públicos)
Fecha inicio cursos
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- 22 de enero de 2025 al 11 de marzo de 2025
- 12 de febrero de 2025 al 1 de abril de 2025
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- 2 de abril de 2025 al 15 de mayo de 2025
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- 12 de febrero de 2025 al 28 de abril de 2025
- 5 de marzo de 2025 al 16 de mayo de 2025
- 2 de abril de 2025 al 6 de junio de 2025
- 7 de mayo de 2025 al 15 de julio de 2025
Titulación: Aula_SMART
Duración: 100 horas
Modalidad: Online
Lugar: Campus AULA_Interactiva
Coste: Sin coste para el Centro ni para el Docente. RD 694/2017, de 3 de julio
FUNDAE: 100% bonificable
Donación FA_S: Ordenador Portátil, iPad, Chromebook ó equipamiento TIC cada 100 horas de formación
(*) Sin coste para el Centro ni para el Docente según RD 694/2017, de 3 de julio.
(**) Para alumnos que no vayan a realizar el curso a través de su centro
The iPad as a teaching-learning tool in the classroom
• To learn key iPad use and setting options to improve productivity.
• To analyze the didactic possibilities that this device offers us in educational contexts.
• To master the use of standard applications and to learn how to implement them in the teaching activity.
• To create documents, multimedia presentations, and spreadsheets with iPad.
• To learn to use the iPad to manage and organize the classroom.
• To discover applications to work different curricular areas in an innovative way.
The iPad as a teaching-learning tool in the classroom
Para qué te prepara
The course “The iPad as a Teaching-Learning Tool in the Classroom” can open several professional opportunities, mainly in the field of education:
• Teacher with specialization in the use of the iPad: This course prepares you to be a teacher who uses the iPad as an effective tool for teaching and learning.
• Educational technology consultant: With the knowledge acquired in this course, you could work as an educational technology consultant, helping schools and other teachers integrate the iPad into their teaching practice.
• Teacher trainer: You could provide training to other teachers on how to use the iPad as a teaching and learning tool.
• Designer of educational content for iPad: You could work as a designer of educational content for iPad, creating interactive and attractive learning materials for students.
These are just some of the possibilities. The integration of technology in education is a rapidly growing area, so this course could open many doors for you in the future. Remember that the key is in how you apply the knowledge acquired in your professional context.
The iPad as a teaching-learning tool in the classroom
A quién va dirigido
The course “The iPad as a Teaching-Learning Tool in the Classroom” is mainly aimed at:
• Teachers: This course is ideal for teachers who are looking to innovate in their teaching methods and are interested in integrating the iPad into the classroom.
• Education professionals: Professionals who work in the field of education and wish to incorporate new technologies into the classroom can also benefit from this course.
• Students of pedagogy or education: Students who are studying to become teachers and wish to expand their skills and knowledge in innovative teaching methods.
• Educational content designers: Educational content designers who are looking to acquire more tools to create interactive and attractive learning materials for students.
In summary, this course is aimed at anyone who is interested in integrating the iPad into the classroom and wishes to learn how to use it as a teaching and learning tool. However, it is especially relevant for teachers and other education professionals.
The iPad as a teaching-learning tool in the classroom
La metodología del curso se basa en el aprendizaje online 100%, a través del campus virtual Aula_SMART, una plataforma innovadora y fácil de usar, que te permitirá acceder a todos los contenidos y recursos del curso desde cualquier lugar y dispositivo. El curso cuenta con un equipo docente altamente especializado, formado por profesionales de la educación con amplia experiencia y formación en el análisis de las competencias docentes. Ellos te acompañarán y orientarán durante todo el proceso de aprendizaje, a través de tutorías personalizadas por teléfono, chat, email e incluso videoconferencia. El método de enseñanza es totalmente multidisciplinar, ya que combina diferentes enfoques y estrategias pedagógicas, tales como:
- Contenidos teóricos, donde se presentarán los conceptos y principios fundamentales del análisis de las competencias docentes, así como los marcos normativos y de referencia que las regulan.
- Contenidos prácticos, donde se aplicarán los conocimientos teóricos a casos reales o simulados de práctica educativa, utilizando herramientas y metodologías para evaluar y desarrollar las competencias docentes.
- Actividades de autoevaluación, donde se reflexionará sobre el propio desempeño docente y sobre las áreas de fortaleza y mejora, así como sobre las estrategias para potenciarlas.
- Actividades de aprendizaje colaborativo, donde se fomentará el intercambio de experiencias, opiniones y propuestas a través de foros.
De esta forma, la metodología del curso te ofrece una formación dinámica, participativa y adaptada a tus necesidades e intereses, que te prepara para ser un docente competente y eficaz, capaz de adaptarte a las demandas y desafíos de la educación actual.
The iPad as a teaching-learning tool in the classroom
Descarga gratis el temario en formato .pdf
Tema 1
1.1 Introduction
1.2. Definition
1.3 Know your iPad
1.4 Manage your desktop
1.4.1 Applications
1.4.2 Notification toolbar
1.5 Interact with the screen
1.5.1 Zoom the image in and out
1.5.2 Multitouch gestures
1.5.3 Keyboard
1.5.4 Edit text
1.6 Synchronize your data: iTunes and iCloud
1.6.1 iTunes Settings
1.6.2 iCloud Settings
1.7 Connect to the outside world
1.7.1 Safari: surf better and more
1.7.2. Social Networks: share information
1.7.3 Videoconferences: speak and look in real time
1.8 Solving common problems
1.9 Summary
Tema 2
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Use advantages
2.3 Useful advice
2.4 Practical ideas for the classroom
2.5 Summary
Tema 3
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Manage your time
3.3 Speed up the actions with your contacts
3.4 Centralize your emails
3.5 Take notes
3.6 Capture the moment
3.7 Discover the world
3.8 Create your library
3.9 Summary
Tema 4
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Pages: text editor
4.2.1 First steps
4.2.2 Creating and using documents
4.2.3 Working with text
4.2.4 Working with objects
4.2.5 Document format
4.2.6 Saving the document
4.2.7 Sharing documents
4.3 Keynote: multimedia presentations
4.3.1 First steps
4.3.2 Create and use presentations
4.3.3 Working with text
4.3.4 Working with objects
4.3.5 Manage slides
4.3.6 Animating the presentation
4.3.7 Saving the document
4.3.8 Sharing presentations
4.3.9 Keynote remote
4.3.10 Slideshow from iPad
4.4 Numbers: spreadsheets
4.4.1 First steps
4.4.2 Create and use spreadsheets
4.4.3 Working with the keyboard
4.4.4 Create forms
4.4.5 Working with objects
4.4.6 Spreadsheet format
4.4.7 Saving a spreadsheet
4.4.8 Sharing your spreadsheet
4.5 Dropbox: store all your files
4.5.1 First steps
4.5.2 Dropbox sections
4.5.3 How to use it
4.5.4 How can we see our files in the computer?
4.6 Summary
Tema 5
5.1 Introduction
5.2 iStudiez Pro: plan timetables and lessons
5.2.1 How to use it Overview section Assignments section Planner section
5.3 TeacherKit: register marks, assistance, and behaviour
5.3.1. How to use it
5.4 Microsoft To Do: manage tasks
5.4.1 How to use it
5.5 Summary
Tema 6
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Educational applications for teachers
6.2.1 Manage your classes and control your tasks
6.2.2 Project and record in real time
6.2.3 Create didactic material
6.2.4 Illustrate your classes with videos
6.2.5 Enhance animated learning
6.2.6 Take notes to assess school reality
6.2.7 Assess on the spot
6.2.8 Consult reference sources
6.2.9 Publish and share
6.2.10 Document reader
6.2.11 Teaching update
6.3 Educational applications for students
6.3.1 Learn languages
6.3.2 Increase mathematics capacity
6.3.3 Explore the world
6.3.4 Know our cultural heritage
6.3.5 Develop linguistic competence
6.3.6 Enhance art
6.3.7 Make the most of study time
6.3.8 Assist the attention to special educational necessities
6.4 Repositories and reference webpages
6.5 Summary
The iPad as a teaching-learning tool in the classroom
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Fundación AULA_SMART®
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Fundación AULA_SMART ®
C/ Palma del Río, 19 - Edificio MELIOR, 29004, Málaga
Teléfono: +34 951 411 800
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