
Working on projects: Primary and Secondary School

Precio de oferta€0,00

Matrícula gratuita para el docente y bonificable al 100% a través de Fundae para centros privados y concertados, siempre y cuando estés en el Régimen General de la Seguridad Social, RD 694/2017, de 3 de julio. (Inscríbete a través de tu centro)

Curso incluido en el Programa Ayudas Aprende_TIC. Cada 100 horas de formación, la Fundación AULA_SMART te dona un ordenador portátil, iPad, Chromebook u otro equipamiento TIC. (Válido para todos los docentes de centros privados, concertados y públicos)

Titulación: Aula_SMART
Duración: 130 horas
Modalidad: Online
Lugar: Campus AULA_Interactiva
Coste: Sin coste para el Centro ni para el Docente. RD 694/2017, de 3 de julio
FUNDAE: 100% bonificable

Donación FA_S: Ordenador Portátil, iPad, Chromebook ó equipamiento TIC cada 100 horas de formación

(*) Sin coste para el Centro ni para el Docente según RD 694/2017, de 3 de julio.
(**) Para alumnos que no vayan a realizar el curso a través de su centro

Working on projects: Primary and Secondary School


• To know the foundation and key concepts of project learning.

• To incorporate a global vision of project-based learning, considering it as a different methodology.

• To analyse different examples of projects, in Primary and Secondary education.

• To develop the basic and essential skills throughout projects.

• To learn new evaluation skills to evaluate the projects in a significant way.

Working on projects: Primary and Secondary School

Para qué te prepara

The course “Working on Projects: Primary and Secondary School” can open several professional opportunities, including:

• Project Teacher: As a teacher, you can use project-based learning in your classroom to foster deeper and more meaningful learning.
• Educational Project Coordinator: You could assume a leadership role in your school or school district as an educational project coordinator, overseeing the implementation of learning projects in various classrooms or grades.
• Project-Based Learning Consultant: You could work as a consultant, advising schools on how to effectively implement and use project-based learning in their curricula and teaching strategies.
• Teacher Trainer: With a solid understanding of project-based learning, you can work training other teachers in this methodology.
• Curriculum Designer: You could work in the design of curricula that integrate project-based learning, creating enriching learning experiences for students.
These are just some of the many professional opportunities that can be opened by taking this course. Training in project-based learning can be a great asset in the field of education, and can open new opportunities for professional development.

Working on projects: Primary and Secondary School

A quién va dirigido

The course “Working on Projects: Primary and Secondary School” is mainly aimed at:
• Primary and Secondary School Teachers: This course is ideal for teachers who wish to incorporate project-based learning into their teaching practice.
• Students of Teaching or Pedagogy: Students who are training to become future teachers and wish to keep up to date with the latest trends in teaching methodologies.
• Pedagogical Coordinators: Pedagogical coordinators who wish to implement or improve the implementation of project-based learning in their educational institution.
• Education Professionals: Any professional who works in the field of education and is interested in project-based teaching methodologies.
In summary, this course can be very useful for anyone involved in education who is interested in project-based learning.

Working on projects: Primary and Secondary School


The methodology of the course is based on 100% online learning by means of Aula_SMART virtual campus, which is an innovative, user-friendly platform that will allow you to access all the content and resources of the course anywhere and from any device. The course has a highly specialized teaching team that is formed by education professionals with broad experience and training in the analysis of teaching competences. They will accompany and guide you throughout the learning process by means of personalized tutoring by phone, chat, email and, even, videoconferences. The teaching method is totally multidisciplinary since it combines different approaches and pedagogical strategies, such as:

- Theoretical sessions where the fundamental concepts and principles of the analysis of teaching competences will be presented, as well as the normative and reference frameworks that regulate them.

- Practical sessions where the theoretical knowledge will be applied to real or simulated cases of educational practice, using tools and methodologies to evaluate and develop teaching competences.

- Self-assessment and co-assessment activities where reflection upon own teaching performance and upon the areas of strength and improvement will be carried out, as well as upon the strategies to booster them.

- Collaborative learning activities where the exchange of experiences, opinions, and proposals with other participants of the course will be promoted through forums, debates, and group work.

- Final project where the knowledge and skills acquired in the course will be integrated into the educational project itself and into the planning and development of the teaching and learning activities.

In this way, the methodology of the course offers you a dynamic, participatory training adapted to your necessities and interests, which prepares you to be a competent and efficient teacher who is able to get adapted to the demands and challenges of today’s education.

Working on projects: Primary and Secondary School


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Working on projects: Primary and Secondary School

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